Wednesday, March 09, 2022

Where Have You Been All of My Life?

 Hello Everyone.  Boy has it been a long time.  I cannot list all of the trials and tribulations I have been through these past years but I can offer one piece of advice.  Keep moving forward!!!!  That's right folks.  Despite great loss financially and personally, I am moving forward.  I know you all can identify with what I write and I send you all of my good vibes and intentions.  We need them today more than ever.

Monday, November 23, 2015

The Law of Attraction in my Life

Hello all!  It has been a very long time since I have posted anything here.  In fact, it has been 8 years. What a roller coaster ride I have been on in that time.  But, rather than bore you with the events that have come to pass, I have made the decision to move forward in my life with gratitude, age and grace.

Many years ago, I watched the movie, "The Secret" which I found very interesting.  But life being as it was and me being who I was, I move along in life.  Recently, the Secret came back into my life.  It was very subtle.  I am currently working in a job I never expected to get, but has become something good.  My boss is a wonderful man who gives to all and passes on his abundance willingly.

I was "complaining" about situations in my life that I always "said" I have no control over.  He handed me a book to read called, "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D. Wattles.  Something inside me immediately thought, "this is exactly what I need."  I started to read the book and realized that nothing happens by mistake.  I moved onto re-reading "The Secret."

I am not sure at this moment what is going to happen in my life.  I believe in God and the Law of Attraction.  In the last two weeks, I have not "attracted" vast amounts of cash, but little by little, I do see that Law of Attraction working its way into my world.  Little things like making a sale within minutes of asking for it.  A sale that saved us that week.  I see it working in my relationship with my daughter, my nemesis, who I normally am at odds with constantly.  We are seemingly on the same "frequency."  I see it in the teeny tiny refund from the government amongst a mound of debt.

I am compelled to tell you all that I began this blog in response to a book I wrote after a very tough time in my life called, "What a Difference a Day Makes:  A Survival Guide for Women."  It is no longer available for sale, but for some strong reason, I feel that it will become available again.

I live in Newtown, CT.  After the shootings in my town in 2012, I wrote a book of poetry called, "A Poem a Day Keeps Depression Away."  This was a collection of poems that came out after the tragedy and while I was struggling with a health problem that engulfed my life.

I have to be completely honest here by saying I have not thought of these books in a long time.  But I do believe in the Law of Attraction and that God only brings good things into my life.  So, I am following this instinct I am feeling to write about it and re-post these books.  I don't know what will become of this, but I do plan to write about my journey with the Law of Attraction so that if there is anyone out there who feels the same way I do or is in the same situation, it may help them.


Friday, September 21, 2007

Are you ready to make a change?

Good Morning. For those of you who know me, know that I am living in a beautiful new house in CT and have a beautiful newborn baby boy. You may also know that I follow “The Secret” philosophy. Recently I have been practicing the philosophy more frequently as I truly believe in it’s power to attract positive things into my life through positive thought.

I was reading a magazine article yesterday and the editor was writing about how she felt September was like the new year for her. Everything begins to change. Schedules, children are back in school, the leaves begin to fall and there is a chill in the air (if you live in the Northeast).
This morning I was in my back yard feeling grateful for all that I have and I noticed all the leaves in my yard were beginning to change. I thought about how I could implement this into my life. Many of you know that when you have children (I have 4) that things always seem to be changing. Sometimes quicker than we would like but, nonetheless, they change. How can I make some small changes in my life to create the reality that I would like.

I decided to wake up earlier and get myself all prepared before my kids wake up. This brings a peaceful feeling and I am not frazzled when I roll out of bed with them yelling that they want breakfast. I set the pace for the day for everyone in my house. I know that when we wake up in the morning and something negative happens, i.e. being late, everything goes bananas. My children are then shoved out the door and sent off to school with their head spinning.

My intention for you today is to look out around you and notice the changes that are beginning to take place. Are you living in the reality that you desire? If not, what can you do to make a small change that will impact you and possibly everyone around you. As I’ve said in the past, positive thought and feeling is contagious. Once you begin thinking and behaving in a positive space, everyone around you will follow suit. And, according to “The Secret”, the universe will not put you in the same space with someone who is not feeling the way you do.

Have a great day!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Now What??????

Good Morning Everyone. So I was sitting here the other morning thinking about the last 9 months. All of the hibernating, sitting, what? Every new mother and seasoned mother's know that after the baby comes, their first thought is, "I want to get back in shape." Or, "I want to become the woman I was before all this."

Then I started running through all of the diet scenarios in my head. I stumbled upon this new diet that I decided to start last Friday and already lost 4 pounds. So easy....I mean so easy!!! So now I am just waiting for that glorious school bus to arrive and I can take Billy the kid for long walks in my new neighborhood. Who's got it better than me? My kids, but I'll save that blog for another day.

Anyway, I was just wondering how many of you truly love yourselves. I sometimes find that when I surround myself with people who are very blase about health and all that good stuff, I become blase myself. I start to just say to myself, "Don't worry about those extra 40 pounds, they'll come off!" As if some mirculouse fat burning cloud is going to suddenly surround me and melt all the pounds away. Not!!!!!! (A little flashback from the 90's)

Now, most of you know how I feel about self declarations and although no matter what I look like, I can still look in the mirror and say, "Hey you beautiful thing!", it doesn't mean I want to be 200 pounds and admiring my bulge in the mirror in 5 years.

So, my intention for you all today is to take an honest look at how your are living your lives via health. Are you eating away the blues or celebrating that new job, etc with a twinky or a half gallon of "fat free" ice cream. Send me a shout if you want to know how I am doing it. I would love to share my success with you all.


Thursday, August 16, 2007

The Cub's Out of the Den

Hello Everyone. Well it's been a while, but I have come out of hibernation. I sat for the nine months and didn't do a thing and guess what? I have a healthy little cub. My 4th healthy little cub. Anyway, Little Billy (William Joseph) was born on July 5th and he is a cute little guy. The kids love him, a little too much, and they are all happy living in their new house. Oh, did I mention that we moved two days before the baby came. Well, we did and it was the best thing that ever happened to us.

So today I wanted to talk about hibernation. It sounds a little funny to some people, but to any woman who has been pregnant, especially the ones with more than one child, can completely understand. When I say hibernation, I mean that all of those things I was doing before I became pregnant, blogging, promoting my book, etc, I stopped. Actually, I am very lucky. I have a good husband who helps a lot, children who listen most of the time and I have the luxury of staying home with my children. So the choice was there to make. Do I continue with the stresses that I placed on myself and take the chance inadvertantly affecting the baby or do I just hibernate. I decided to hibernate.

One of the things that I did every day was stay in tune with my body. When I was tired I slept, when I was hungry I ate and when I was feeling fat and lonely, I felt fat and lonely. I allowed myself to be and feel what I was. I think that this is a gift to be able to know what you are feeling and go with it. When I try to fight how I am feeling, it lingers. When I go with the flow of the day, it disappears quickly. Remember people, energy. What you put out there is there!

So, my intention for you all today is to take a moment and tune in to your body and how you are really feeling about your life. Are you pushing yourself too much, are you doing things to fill yourself up so you don't have to look at how your life is going or what you are not feeling?

And always remember, we are in this together.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The Secret, how hard is it really?

Hey Everyone. It's been a while again. I am hibernating but am feeling better. I hope you are all well.

How many of you have ever heard of the book or DVD called, "The Secret?"
I was introduced to it about 6 months ago and it changed the way I look at life. Although I think that the way I look at things are different to begin with, the movie just re-affirmed how I feel and improved my outlook on things.

The whole idea is based on the Law of Attraction. What that means in the most basic of terms is that when I think of something and I put a negative spin on it or feel negatively about the thought, I emit negativity into the universe. Therefore, based on The Law of Attraction, I am inadvertantly attracting negativity.

But, and here's the best part, when I think of things and see them through positive eyes and am always grateful, very hard to do unless you practice, I attract positivity into my life.

I always end my blog with, "My intention for you today is ........" None of you know or some of you might know that when I am sending out good intentions to others, I am attracting good vibes, karma, energy, etc back to me. Is this selfish? I think not!

I and we can make a decision on a daily basis to either fuel our lives with positive energy or negative energy. It really is a choice and some of us have to work much harder than others to remain positive. I have been working on it now for about 15 years and gratitude has changed my life and I beleive given me a life beyond my wildest dreams.

My book, What a Difference a Day Makes: A Survival Guide for Women, incorporates a lot of the Law of Attraction. Now, I didn't know that while I was writing it, but after seeing the DVD, I realized that this was the case. I just really think that living in gratitude can change all of our lives.

Just remember, saying your grateful and acting as if you are grateful are two different things. Walk the walk people. Talk is cheap. Whenever my son or daughter say, "I'm sorry," I say back to them, "Sorry is doing the right thing." My husband started saying that to them when my son was very little and it stuck. It's sort of like a family motto. I guess the lesson there is that talking is just talking, action is actually doing the things you are apparently sorry for.

So, there you have it.

My intention for all of you today is to feel positive. Go out and get "The Secret" or you can always get my book!!!!

And always remember, we are in this together!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

A little stress here, a little stress there........

Hey Everybody. Sorry I haven't written for a while. I've been very busy, mostly in my head. A couple of weeks ago, I found out I was pregnant with baby number 4. I have to say that since then, my heads been a little cloudy. I suddenly have a whole new set of priorities. The first being to make sure that I rest and take care of myself as best I can.

I am looking at this pregnancy very differently then the last three. One day I was speaking with the obstetrician, this is years ago after the birth of my last child, and he described pregnancy in a very interesting way. I was concerned with getting pregnant again because at the time we "planned" on having four children. Anyway he said that I had to look at pregnancy as if I were a bear. He said when a mother bear gets pregnant, she goes into her cave to hibernate. While hibernating she rests, does as little as possible to exert herself, eats properly and just plain takes care of herself. At the end of the pregnancy she emerges from her cave with a healthy baby cub.

What I took from this explanation was that rest is the most important part of pregnancy. Plenty of rest and as little stress as possible!

How many of you can say that you work on relieving stress in your daily life?
Do you notice that when you are stressed out that you just don't feel well?
Do you feel more tired and cranky?
It is harder for you to enjoy life?

I agree with the stress explanation whole heartedly. I know for a fact that stress is very dangerous to a growing baby. I also know that it is fairly simple to keep stress levels at a minimum. I think it is a choice. I also think it takes work though.

If I want my day to go smoothly, I have to plan for it. Since finding out I was pregnant I had to drop out of a couple of commitments that I had taken on. I had to look at it through the eyes of a responsible mother and not through the eyes of a people pleaser.

Take for example the first commitment I had to drop out of. I was teaching religious education every Tuesday night while my kids were in class. The stress of getting them there early enough so that I could be there for my students began taking its toll. I was rushing my own children and myself like crazy so that I could show up for the other kids. In my eyes that was not the priority. My children are the priority. So I quit. The class will not fall apart. I won't get dirty looks and nasty phone calls from parents. Life will go on. The children will continue to learn from a qualified catechist and I have taken a step toward hibernation.

There comes a time in all of our lives when we have to make choices that seem unfair. But when we look at the big picture, we can see clearly what needs to be done. I pray every day for guidance, patience, tolerance and expansion of my territories. I think the latter prayer is the explanation for this sudden pregnancy, but that's another story.

So my intention for you all today is to try to figure out how you can release one stressor in your life. Try not to make the holiday season a burden on yourself. It is a wonderful time of giving and family. It is a time to reflect on the past year and see how you did and what things you can change to make your life better in the new year. Remember, baby steps!

And always remember, we are in this together!