Do you have the music in you?
Hey Everyone. Hope this finds everyone well and feeling fine. Today I was talking to someone who was having trouble letting go of certain feelings. Whenever I counsel someone on this topic, I always stress the importance of emptying out the garbage in their heads. It is so important. But, some people have a harder time than others doing this. Why can some of us find release and others cannot? It's the million dollar question! Nonetheless, it is imperative!
Have you ever noticed how music affects you? Everyone has that certain song that, when they hear it, can bring up an emotion they haven't felt in years. I know that I am extremely affected by music. Maybe because I am a musician. Maybe because I've always used music as a tool to feel. Anyway, music can be the key to unlock your "stuff."
Many times when I am doing some mundane activity, or just in the house alone, etc, I will turn on the radio or a cd and the music will instantly lift my spirit. On the other end of that, if I am sad, I will turn on some music and it will help me to release the sadness. Music will change the mood of any child. Here's a tip! If your kids are driving you nuts, turn on some silly songs (as my neice Ariana calls them) and watch your children transform. Join them! Dance around for a while and don't worry about the blinds being open. You'll be revived.
Today I want you to turn on some music you haven't listed to in a while. Dance around or just sit and listen. Notice how it affects you and remember to use this tool the next time you need it. Just remember, you are not alone.
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