Friday, November 10, 2006

Are you living for you or for everyone else????

Hey Everyone. I was sitting here this morning thinking about how much of my happiness in life is reliant upon others' happiness. Am I only happy if those around me are getting what they want, or does my contentment with my life come from within. You know, that Power Within I've been talking about so much.

Well, in my book, What a Difference a Day Makes: A Survival Guide for Women, I talk a lot about self reliance. One of the main lessons in the book is about how we, as women, should not rely on anyone else for our peace of mind. Yet, even if we are working steadfastly on our progress and in our program, we always fall back into that "taking care of everyone" place.

Why is that?

After thinking about it for a little while I've come to the conclusion that as little girls we were taught that our job was to take care of others in spite of our feelings. Put their needs and wants first, then think about ourselves. The problem with that is that when you are constantly putting other people's wants and needs before your own, you never get to yourself.

So, how can we change this without becoming selfish?

I think that it is a process of baby steps. I've learned in the last year or so that as long as I am taking care of my husband and my children's needs, i.e. house, food, love, I can then focus on my own wants. Everyday, I take care of the children in the morning. Make sure they are fed and ready for school, clean up the room and make the house liveable again. I don't know what happens overnight but the little elves must be out making a mess. I then sit down and write my blogs.

My blogs have become an outlet for me to talk about what it is that is on my mind for that day. And while I am writing, I sort of work out the issue right here. It is a wonderful tool and I seriously think that for those of you who do not like to write in a book, a blog is the way to go. Email me if you want to learn more about setting up a blog! Remember, it takes a lot of work to get people to actually read your blog so if you were worried about someone you know finding it, stop worrying. It's highly unlikely unless you give them the direct link.

When I finish my blog, I feel fulfilled for the day. I feel like I've done something for me. That works. If you need to take a walk, read a book, garden, then go for it. Because you won't find fullfillment in that bowl of Cheerios you're dumping in the toilet, or following the kids around with a broom. Then, well in my case, I just start feeling like a housekeeper and a nanny. The other benefit is that your children are seeing that Mom takes care of herself as well as them. It's a very valuable lesson to teach your daughters especially. They are going to grow up to be you and marry someone just like Daddy. Whether you like it or not!

My intention for you all today is to take a moment and think about what you do on a daily basis to fill yourself up just a little. Baby steps is the way to go and you will definately feel your Power Within flourishing.

And always remember, we are in this together!


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