When Life Throws Us Curveballs!
Did you ever notice that once you finally have a plan of the way things are going to start going in your life, that all of a sudden life throws you a curveball? Some are soft balls and some are hard.
So, what do you do when all at once all the plans you had and made for yor immediate, and not so immediate future, are changed? Life is a funny thing. Some issues cause you to step back and take a good look at why this issue may have come your way. Some issues may cause you to feel a little sorry for yourself, but no matter what issue it is, isn't it the best thing to look at it through positive eyes?
In the past I've talked a lot about negative eyes and positive eyes. Situations only affect us negatively if we look at them that way. It is so much easier looking at life viewing everything that comes your way as a blessing rather than an inconvenience. I am at the point in my life to know enough about these curveballs. I usually catch them, sit with them for a while and say, "Okay, I guess my plans are changing." Remember, nothing is set in stone and if your ideas about how your life was going must change, well then also realize that nothing is cancelled, it's just postponed.
My intention for you all today is to always try, even though it's hard, to look at life through positive eyes.
And always remember, we are in this together!
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