Monday, July 31, 2006

The Discomfort Zone

Good Morning Everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend. We got together with friends and went to the ocean. It was great. I couldn't help but find myself thinking of this chapter (The Discomfort Zone) in my book. I'll get back to that in a minute.

One of my favorite parts of the day is at night. I get into bed, the AC is on (in summer), lay my head down on my favorite pillow, and watch what I want to watch on the boob tube. This is my comfort zone. But, sometimes, I get into bed, get all comfortable, and the remote is on the dresser. The effort it takes to get me up out of bed to get that remote is remarkable. I almost consider not getting up because I am sooooo comfortable. I mention this because I want to illustrate the difference between comfort and discomfort in my life. I could very well just lay there and not get that remote, but that would sort of ruin my favorite part of the day. Or, I could get up (it takes 3 seconds) get that remote and be in total bliss.

How many of you see this situation in your lives? How many of you would rather stay in your little box, never venturing out to do something that would clearly be more uplifting, because it may take a little more effort? I am guilty of this. Back to this weekend.

I originally said I didn't want to go to the ocean because it was just easier to go to the lake. The lake is 15 minutes away. I wouldn't have to pack as much and I would feel "safer" being close to home. Knowing fully well that everyone in my family would have a much better time at the ocean. So, I made up some excuses why it was better to go to the lake. But guess what? My belly barometer started going. I knew deep down in my belly that I was disappointing my family. How selfish. All because I wanted to stay in my "comfort zone."

So......I decided to suck it up and take that two hour trip to the ocean. And what to my wondering eyes did appear, but the beautiful ocean so clean and so clear. We had a fantastic time. I stepped out of my box and realized that although I wanted to take the easier path, the more difficult (or so I thought) road turned out to be a much better decision. Everyone in my family had a great time, including myself, and we all lived a little better that day. And, isn't that what is what we are all seeking? To have better lives, full of joy and passion. Not just staying in our little comfortable boxes, never making any effort to try something new or different, even though we would like to?

Today, I want you to look inside yourselves and notice how many times you make the decision to stay in your "comfort zone." You may be surprised that it happens pretty often. Making that phone call to someone you've been avoiding, go for that walk that you've been avoiding, telling yourself how beautiful you are in that mirror.

My wish for you today is to live just a little more. Make that effort and you will notice the change. I promise!

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