Thursday, July 27, 2006

Journling For Sanity!

There are many different ways for us to relieve stress in our daily lives. Some people choose negative ways to do this. They either drink, smoke, shop, etc. But, what are some of the positive ways that we can do this? What are some of the ways we can get the junk that's holding us back from realizing true happiness (or at least feeling okay) for that day?

For most of us, our lives are very busy and we don't have or make a lot of free time to do the things that we really like. For instance, some of you may like to paint, play music, scult, run, etc. But, in those moments when I feel like my head is going to pop off my body, I can't say, "Wait kids. I'm going to play my guitar for an hour!" What I've learned is that writing is a great tool to relieve my stress and get rid of my junk.

Writing or journaling is a wonderful way to let go of your nonsense. You don't have to write a chapter or sound eloquent. You don't have to make a grand statement or be politically correct. Let's face it, I am not Maya Angelou. But, I am Kerri and when Kerri is stuff up with feelings, she writes. This especially works when you are going through a really hard time. Ladies, you get my drift.

For today, I want you to just get a little writing pad or even post its. When you start to get jammed up, just write down the feeling. If something wonderful happens, write it down.

I used to write things on little pieces of paper and stick them in my jewelry box. A few months ago, I was cleaning out some clutter and I found a note I wrote about 3 years ago. My little son Domenic and his sister Anna (a year apart in age) were playing. My son decided to get them yogurt (I had no idea) and he began to call her. I came out of my room and found two little cups of yogurt with two little spoons sitting on the table. My son was standing next to Anna trying to wake her up. My heart swelled with joy, love, pride and sadness for my little son who wanted to share a snack with his little sister. Although this may seem small and not that big a deal, for me it was wonderful. So.........I wrote it down. Now, when I am a little angry at those kids who are now 7 and 6 and by the way, I have a 3 year old also, and they're screaming at each other for the remote, I think of those two little cups of yogurt and I smile.

Take some time for yourself. It will change your day, your life, and the lives of those around you.

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