Friday, July 21, 2006

Let's Talk About Sex! (sort of)

Good Morning everyone. Have you ever wondered to yourself why your husband is so miserable? He doesn't listen to you. He doesn't remember anything you say to him. He doesn't seem to be interested. Well, I have news for all of you. You're right! Men are different from women. I'll say it again. Men are different from women. No matter how white you keep his socks, and how unwrinkled his shirts are, if you do not have sex with him, it won't matter. Men understand action. They appreciate our efforts to keep their house, raise their children, etc. But, they only have three main focuses in their lives. To feed, shelter and have nooky. They are really like cavemen. It instinctual and there is nothing you can do about it.

Women have different needs than men. Look at your children. My son is happy when I give him what he wants to eat, have his clothes clean and leave him alone. My daughters want hugs and attention. They need to know and be reminded that they are loved. My son just knows. He doesn't need to be reminded.

Back to the grown ups. If we don't have sex with our husbands, significant others, they don't feel wanted. That's right ladies! They do have feelings. Women feel tired at night and to many women (not all of us) sex is not a priority. Let's face it. After a day with the kids or at work, we're tired. Sleep is what we want.

Today I want you all to really think about the last time you were intimate with your man. Do you notice a difference in his attitude toward you. If not, then pay attention. You'll see the difference. Those dishes not being done won't seem so important to him if he's been loved the night before. (or morning)

Here’s a scenario I want you to consider. It’s been a while since you fooled around. I’m saying a month or so. You feel like he’s distant. You don’t talk that much or hug that much. You feeling down about yourself because he hasn’t been noticing you. So, you practically sterilize the house because you clean it so well. You make sure the kids are all together and calm when he gets home. You make his favorite dinner. The kids are in bed early. That is awesome. Then, at bedtime, he gets in there are rubs you in his special way and you are asleep. Ladies, everything you did that day has just fell out of his brain forever!!!!!!

Now, consider this scenario. Same feelings as before, same situation. But you don’t clean the house that day as well. The kids are lunatics as usual and you have him bring home pizza for dinner. At bedtime, when he turns to rub you in his special way, you’re bright eyed and bushy tailed and ready to go. SHAZAAM!!!!!!! You’ve finally figured it out.

Excerpt from "What A Difference A Day Makes: A Survival Guide for Women"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I need to get my sister to read this.

Good for you Kerri. Congrats.