Thursday, July 20, 2006

Who do you surround yourself with?

Every morning I wake up, get the kids what they need, have a cup of coffee and make my phone call. I can't impress upon you how important it is to be in contact, every day, with someone who you can talk to. Whether it be about your children, spouse, work, problems, or just to talk about the weather. You need positive people in your life.

I know we all have people in our lives. Are they healthy? Do they hold you up when you are down? Do they listen when you just need to talk? If you're thinking that your spouse is that one and only person than you are probably placing too much dependence on them.

If the person you speak to is someone that, when you hang up, you feel worse than you did before, than they are "toxic". I say toxic because many of us have a difficult time being in honest relationship with others. That means that we are so used to being talked at rather than talked to that we just keep this relationship going. Why do we do that? When you finally find your "power" these toxic relationships will cease to exist. Once you begin to truly love yourself you won't subject yourself to this negative energy. You'll begin to surround yourself with people that build you up. We do need each other. If you're one of those people who say you don't need anyone, you're fooling yourself. We all need someone we can count on.

Make one call today to someone you trust. Be honest and listen to what they have to say. When you become honest you will unlock a freedom within yourself. Remember, noone can love you until you honesly love yourself.

The key is to surround yourself with positive women. Now I know that everyone in your “secret circle” are not always positive, but that is the beauty of having a network of women. Not just one “best friend” to confide in and get support from. I call it the “secret circle” because this group of women do not have to know each other, be friends with each other or even have anything in common. In fact, it is better if the latter is the case. Then, you never have to be concerned with anyone “talking” about what you are saying. The other aspect of the network is unconditional support. When two people have a foundation of support in which they are always on the same page, the support is unconditional. You are there for each other without the ties of outside issues or other individuals.

Excerpt from "What a Difference A Day Makes: A Survival Guide for Women"

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