Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Clear out the "clutter" in your life!!!! FREEDOM!!!

Well Folks. Today is a new day in my home. Yesterday I cleaned out the bedrooms. I cannot believe how much stuff we can accumulate over such a short period of time.

I think cleaning out my house is like cleansing my spirit. I feel like I am starting fresh. Starting on the right foot going into the new season. It is also a great way to see how you have been behaving. When I find a lot of stuff that I didn't even know I had or things I purchased that was never even touched, I have to take a good look at myself and wonder how much I am respecting my husband who works day in and day out to "bring home the bacon." I think, in my case, it's a direct reflection of how much I am thinking of his efforts when I am throwing our money away.

This all started last week when I was yelling at my children to clean up the toys. My middle daughter said, "Mommy, I can't clean up, there are too many toys!" She then continued to ask if I could "get rid" of some of them. I was baffled. Here I am buying things for them that I thought they wanted. What I realized was that I was getting things for them that "I" always wanted when I was young.

So, today is a new day. I've decided to give my children the gift of waiting for things that they truly want.

I remember going on vacation in North Carolina with my family. We stayed in a beautiful condo. All we had with us was a week's worth of clothing and the kids had backpacks of toys. I did a little load of wash every day. Straightened up the few items in the apartment and was in total bliss. I mention this because that is how I would like my house to be. Less is more.

How do you handle all the "clutter" in your life?

Let me know what you think. I would love to hear from you.

My blog today is a little haphazard and not very "deep" but, I think I've gotten my point across.

My intention for you today is to try to clear out some of the "clutter" in your life. Whether it is material or emotional. Give yourself the gift of starting fresh. It will lift you up.

And always remember, we are in this together!


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