Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Karma! Karma! Karma!

Hey Everyone. Did you ever wonder why people are always talking about doing the next right thing? Whenever I think about doing something that puts negative vibes out there, I always think about Karma. If you don't know what Karma is, I will tell you MY definition. I think Karma is the energy you put out into the universe. I think that if I am thinking good thoughts and carrying out positive actions related to myself, my family and people I come into contact with, it comes back to me.

There are a lot of people out there who have the "What's in it for me?" attitude. Maybe it's because they grew up with nothing and are always trying to catch up or maybe it's because they just don't think any actions they take in a positive direction affect anyone. What I've learned in my short lifetime is that every action I take be it positive or negative come back at me in some shape or form. There are a lot of different schools of knowledge that call Karma something else. But, when it comes down to it, it's all the same thing, whatever you call it.

For instance, I tend to take on too much at one time. Whether it be volunteering for something, helping someone out, etc. People close to me are always saying, "You are taking on too much, you have enough to do already with three kids." And, sometimes I listen. But, then there's that nagging feeling that is in my gut. I know that when I help others, it comes back to me. I know that when things get tough around my house or in my life, that the help I receive from others is directly related to the help I put out there. Miracles come in disquise if you're not looking for them. You get what you give.

So, enough preaching from me. I was just feeling good today about my life knowing that whatever I put out there will come back. And, right now, it's coming back. Nough' said!

My intention for you today is to think about what you're doing to help others in your life. Have you locked yourself up in your little world, waiting for good stuff to come? Or, are you out there giving of yourself, just a little, knowing that your a good person and that the gifts that have been given to you are not in vain?

I put my positive intentions out to you all that come across my blog today.

And always remember, we are in this together!!!!!

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