Saturday, August 26, 2006

Do you feel like Pluto? Are you lonesome tonight?

What does someone do when they are lonely? Do they rent sad movies? Do they buy an animal to them company? Do they sit where they live day in and day out waiting for someone to call to hang out or feel sorry for themselves? What would you do?

What bout those people who are in relationship? They have what they wanted. They are surrounded by people who “love” them. Why would they feel this way? It doesn’t make sense, does it?

Oh yeah, and there are those people who can be in a room with a hundred people and still feel lonely. What about them?

I have to say that it is okay to feel lonely. It’s human emotion. It means we need some human contact. But, there are people who no matter what they do, still feel alone. And feeling alone in this big world full of people is a bad place to be! Something feels missing inside of us. So, we go out and find someone, anyone or anything to fill that up. That’s when the problems begin. Depending on how you choose to fill up that space can either help you on the path to finding your Power Within, or it can put you in a place that is very, very dangerous. Your mind!!!

The issue is that most of the people who are feeling alone or lonely don’t even know it. These feelings are replaced with other emotions. Some may be angry. You know those people, angry at the world. Some may be fearful. That friend of yours who never wants to venture out of her/his bubble. Some may be waaaayy to friendly. I’m sure everyone knows them! I’m talking about self esteem. That’s right, I said it. The self esteem word. The psychological mumbo jumbo word. Well, guess what, it’s true. I heard someone say the other day that the only place to get self esteem is from you. Hence, SELF esteem. How can we get that from ourselves if we are always seeking out approval from other people? How is it possible to find self esteem if we live and breath by what someone in our life thinks of us? Newsflash………we don’t!

Now, a lot of us have self esteem issue. I’m too fat, I’m too short, I’m too skinny, I’m too tall, I’m too old, I’m too young, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH!!!!!

It wouldn’t be unusual to not like something about ourselves. It’s normal to want to improve on you, in fact, it’s healthy. But, these feelings don’t make or break decisions in life that would lead to happiness. I don’t skip the party because I haven’t lost those ten pounds yet. I wear what fits, doll myself up and have a blast. Because most people don’t notice what we think are flaws unless we notice them. Do you get where I am going with this? Yet some people just plain don’t like themselves. That is not good. That is not healthy. That is definitely not self esteem.

All right, let’s talk about how we can take some baby steps to change this. The first thing we should do is recognize that we are feeling these emotions. Are they misplaced? Are we putting these feelings of loneliness on some other issue in our lives? Many mothers whose husbands are out traveling all the time may not see this. They may start to search for something else in their life to fill up the space that not seeing or being with the person they love with something else. If this is the case, realize it and pay attention to how you can change they way you are behaving. Communication is key here so talk it out with him and find ways to connect although he isn’t there. Find your Circle of Sisterhood and connect with them. They will understand. I you don’t know what the C.O.S. is, the read my book.

For those of you, who continuously find yourselves involved with idiots, look at yourselves very closely. Many times, we seek out anyone to fill up that space. We are afraid to not be with someone. We need to feel needed. How many of you can identify with that??? Look around you. Look to those who are in your life that you’ve forgotten. Re-connect with family, and if you don’t have that outlet, then, I’ll say it again, find your Circle of Sisterhood and use them as a tools to move away form the negative influences in your life.

Well folks, today was a very long blog. I apologize for its length but this subject is something that needs to be addressed. If you find yourself nodding your head while you’ve read this, I say start moving. Read What a Difference a Day Makes: A Survival Guide for Women and equip yourself with the tools (found in the book) to move toward the person you’ve always wanted to be or thought you were already.

My intention for you today is to stop seeking out approval from everyone else in your life. Start to see the beauty that is you. Look in the mirror (I’ve said this before) and tell yourself that you love you. Remember, feeling silly isn’t the worst thing that can happen in a day.

And always remember, we’re in this together.

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