Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Focus on the small stuff!

Sometimes I get so caught up in the big stuff. The bills, the house, world peace, etc. I find that I ignore the little things that make my and my family's life comfortable. I step over the laundry, ignore the dust on the floor, throw the covers on the bed. I don't realize how important the little things are like sitting on the couch with the kids or just sitting outside with them while they splash in the pool. It's an awful thing to wake up at 6:00AM, start focusing on some nonsense, and realize at 5:00PM that the whole day went by and you didn't do anything to make your life better all day.

We have to sometimes look at small picture and sit with it for a while to be grateful for what we have right now.

Did you ever notice that when you want to get someone’s attention, be it your spouse, child, employer, etc., they usually don’t pay attention. One of the problems I find being a woman is that I tend to seek approval. Therefore, whatever and whenever I say something or tell someone something I’ve accomplished, I am fishing. We all know what fishing is. It’s when we say things out loud hoping for a pat on the back. The day that I didn’t have to “fish” anymore was like liberation. To be able to accomplish personal goals or overcome internal and/or external obastacles and not have to tell everyone about it is totally awesome. This is a quiet satisfaction. At first, I was a little anxious. It’s almost like a drug. That reaction from others. It’s like a fix. When you don’t get it, you don’t know what to do with yourself. We’re all really like children. When we don’t get positive reinforcement we start doing things to get any attention. Why bother doing things that are really cool and not be able to tell anyone. I’ll tell you why, because on the day that you can truly be content with yourself and your accomplishments and not have to get reinforcement from others is the day you are free and have found humility.

Excerpt from "What A Difference A Day Makes: A Survival Guide for Women"

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