Friday, September 08, 2006

Are you part of the solution?????

Do you express your individuality and uniqueness or do you follow along with the herd trying to look, act, and be part of the group. If there's one main issue that will inhibit you finding your power within, it is not being yourself.

When I moved to Newtown, CT from the Bronx, NY five years ago, I found myself smack dab in this situation. In the Bronx, there were so many different types of people that I fit right in. Feeling that you fit in is important to people. I never thought of myself as different from everyone else. When we moved up to CT, I found myself engulfed in self doubt. I was unsure of myself and wanted to be like everybody else. I could clearly see how I was different than everybody else.

I started to behave differently with my children. I would peek out the window and if the kids were out with their bikes, I would gather up my children, make sure they were properly dressed and run outside and try to fit in.


What I realized, and it took a while, was that I am me. I'll say it again. I am me. I am different from many people, sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse. But, I've learned to embrace myself for who and what I am and love me. I no longer peek out the window. I know longer feel self conscious when my kids are playing outside making "too much noise." I am what my God created and I am okay.

How many of you can identify with these feelings?
How many of you find yourself tirelessly trying to fit in with the "group?"
Do you constantly second guess yourself?
Do you find that you are never quite happy with you?
How do you handle situations such as these? Now be honest!

I want to hear from you. I want to know what other women (and men) are doing to find their Power Within.

I finally found the secret to being empowered. All these principles are listed in my book, What a Difference a Day Makes: A Survival Guide for Women. Get the book. Start following the principles. Rediscover you and begin to learn how to love yourself. It worked for me and it will work for you if you can remain honest.

My intention for you today is to be yourself. And like it! If you are not there yet, then try to like it! Recognize the beauty that is you and write down how it makes you feel. Journal, journal, journal.

And always remember...We are in this together!!!

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