Monday, September 11, 2006

How will you get through this day? 9/11

Good Morning! Well, today's a very sad day for the people of the United States of America. We reflect on the attacks of September 11th 2001. My heart and thoughts go out to all of you who may have lost loved ones on that day.

Many of us mourn for those who were lost because we all lost something on that day. Whether it be our feeling of security and safety within this country or children that have since then gone of to war to fight for that slice of freedom that slipped away on that day. If we think of the sixth degree of separation, we would recognize that in some way, we all knew someone who knew someone and so on. We were all affected. Some worse than others.

I know for me, many young men from my old neighborhood in the Bronx lost their lives on that day. When I grew up in the Bronx, for many of the young people, you either became a cop or a fireman. So, I need not go on. Many yound men were lost.

I am further saddened personally today because it is my little neice's third birthday. As some of you may know, I lost my brother Billy last month in a car accident. His daughter's birthday was a big event for him. She was his proudest achievement. I send all of my love and thoughts to her and my sister-in-law today.

So, how do we tap into our "Power" today with all of this saddness surrounding us?
Do we hide out in our houses in fear?
Do we get angry and hurt others, continuing the chain of destruction?
Do we blame God and insist that we are in fact alone on this earth?

How will you get through this day?

In my case, I will feel. Whatever it is, I will feel. I won't hide out! I will try not to be angry! I absolutely never blame my God for anything that happens on this earth.

Today, I will go the my church, light a candle for my brother and all of those lost on this day five years ago. I will say a prayer for all of the families that are struggling today and every day since 9/11. And, I will say an extra special prayer for my sister-in-law who will struggle today with her daughter because she can no longer celebrate her daughter's birth with her husband.

Today is indeed a very sad day. Feel it. Mourn. Be grateful that we were all given the gift of freedom, love and life. After all, we continue to live.

How will you live today?

I will get through my day being grateful for this great country I live in. I will be grateful for my husband and my loving family. And I will thank my God for all of his gifts that I very often overlook.

My intention for you today is to live in gratitude and feel your emotions. It is okay to feel sadness. Try not to "not feel" today. If you find yourself saying, "I am trying not to feel bad" then realize that your are not feeling. Feel the emotion, let the feelings out and understand that you are human. Humans are emotional creatures. We continue living and feeling whether we like it or not. Give yourselves that gift. Better yet, help someone else get through this day and know that we need each other.

And always remember, we are in this together.



Anonymous said...

I knew something was wrong today. But I am going to redirect my sadness and be thankful for what I do have.

Kerri said...

Thank you. I am glad you are able to see things through positive eyes.