Monday, October 09, 2006

Woke up, got out of bed and dragged a comb across my head....................

Hey Everyone. Hope you all had a good weekend. I realized this morning that I have been waking up way too late. I had a good system going there for a while where I would wake up before my kids and have at least a half hour before they woke up.

There is something to be said about quiet time. When I wake up and everyone is screaming and wanting breakfast or a book to be read to them and I've barely opened my eyes, it's a little frustrating. How I start my day is important. Although one of the best tools I ever found and put into practice was being able to restart my day at any time.

This is invaluable when all hell breaks loose in the morning. (mom's you know what I mean) It just frazzles you and makes you crazy. Another issue I've been having lately is waking up with a flood of "have to do's." You know when you wake up and immediately start thinking about what you HAVE TO DO! I usually stop, take a breath and realize that I don't HAVE TO DO anything. I choose what needs to be done and then what I would like to do.

There are some days when you just have to take a break. Sit on your couch and don't DO anything. Now I don't mean not feeding the children or brushing your teeth. I mean sticking to that regiment that you follow every day. Take a break. Wait a little while. Get your thoughts together and just wait until you get that wind that sweeps you up and brings you back up to speed. It will help a lot.

The time change is coming so try not to beat yourself up for being more tired than usual. Less sunlight at this time of year will also make you feel a little low. Just be aware that the seasons are changing and we often change a little with them. Go with the change. Embrace it and do what you can to glide into the changes.

My intention for you today is to be gentle on yourself. Give yourselves the gift of slow and steady.

And always remember, we are in this together.

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